Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Me n my boredom

Hey friends

How does it feel to sit home all day, waiting for a new company to come for off or on campus placement, or your offer letters to come, or your joining dates to arrive? Very touchy question naa?

After my exams got over, on 7th June, I felt like a free bird...had done with my engineering, and now, I had all the time in the world to do whatever I could not do when I was jailed in for 4 years. So started my new routine: just enjoying life. No rules to follow, no submissions to take care of, no attendance to maintain...well, I had no issues with my attendance in any of my engg semesters, I had above 90% attendance in each sem....silly of me, cuz minimum 75% was
mandatory, and I exceeded the limit by a staggering 15-20%!

Anyway, I had a very nice time, hanging around with my friends, reading fiction, trying new music, watching movies, and most importantly, social networking. If I was not out, then I was sticking to my PC. All my friends who were placed into some company, like me, and awaiting DOJ used to meet up online, and talk about any company that gave out joining, and then used to cuss the company that we were placed into. Come Wednesday, and we used to hunt for any new openings in Times Ascent. We all used to try our luck wherever we could. We had formed this nice coterie, and used to keep each others hopes high, and ears open for new openings.

Results came out on 17th August, and nothing changed in my routine. I was just a graduate unemployed person now, with least priority assigned in a house where everybody was busy with their life, and I had nothing to keep me busy.

Soon it became bugging to just do nothing. I was so used to always having a book weighing some 0.5 kg plus ( I studied from reference books, all those firangi authors u know....) under my nose that my fiction books barely filled the void. Going out meant that I was supposed have to answer questions like 'wassup?'. And the mundane answer used to be 'waiting'....Low ebbs were common there after. There used to many rumours afloat about my company this, n my company that. I had to keep these subservient news aside, and just be positive, as others would advise me. But the implodings could not be controlled...
People from all around the globe used to advice me that this is the best time of my life and that I should make the most of it, and that this time wont ever visit me again. But it is easier said than done. Had my date of joining been definite, my definition of enjoyment would have multiplied by 'n', where 'n' was any integer greater than 4.

Somebody said unto me that talent, if unused, becomes was gory to listen to....but nous. So my hanging-in-the-between friends, keep going, and dont bend to subjective rumours. See you all busy soon :)


  1. yeah.. Its true..
    Wuuu Huuuu....!! Even I use to get Mantras from my seniors of enjoying at home before getting the joining date..But we know hows it feels when there is an attack of boredom on us..
    anyways it was your first post and you had written it very wonderfully.. start blogging.I'll add you in my bog list for others to read.. cheers!!!

  2. nicely expresssed....
    but the other side of the grass is always greener....come to professional life and you will miss the peace that you hve now...!!!
    keep blogging..

  3. Thats Life...u can say, these are stages of life. Next stage will be professional life. Same thing is happening with me, difference is that I am still unemployed.
    But gr8 work, I really Like ur blog. Nice writting. Keep it up...
    Keep smiling..!

  4. Things change fasts with time.many good things are in store for you. you will get them :-)
    finally good start Lily. and content is really good.keep it up.

  5. I am pleased to see that you utilized some of your free time by penning down your expressions. I am sure, this is a start of this activity; which should happen frequently. So, keep writing.
    All the best!

  6. Hey Lily,

    sticking to social networking, reading reference books.... wow!
    Isn't it strikingly great to find someone who does exactly the same things that one would have done in the same situation? Well, not everything was the same though!

    good to see your blog. I hope you would share such thoughts, whenever you find time.
    Good luck.
