Saturday, November 28, 2009

Life past 26/11

Hello there

The 26/11 of the year 2009 is quite memorable for me. Why? Read what my thoughts were on this day-

Me, in the morning: 26/11 of the year 2008 was a black day in the history of our country. Every person can relate to this incident, and such other catastrophes in their own way. On one side, there are survivors, some are witnesses, some are relatives, some are insurgent fellow country beings, and some are just people whose hearts go out for the martyrs. On the other side are the fiends who committed the heinous cataclysm., actively, and passively. Some are existing who are of the opinion that they are not on any of these sides, and their conscience allows them to be words for such category....Nonetheless, I want to accentuate that it is not just such issues that can help one rub shoulders with people around him/her. It is high time that we consider existing commonalities as the binding string around us, and be united. We do not need another 26/11 for that.

Me, in d noon: My mommy had been out to visit her parents, so I was kinda incharge of the house for 3 days, starting from 24th to 26th, and a fact about me is that I totally suck in the kitchen. When I was cooking, I was just adding whatever I could lay my hands on, and my guinea pigs were my family members, who were swallowing every morsel for the love of me. Chopping onions and tomatoes was replaced by grinding onions in a paste in the mixer, and ketchup, respectively. So, no more tears :)

Me, in d afternoon: After finishing my chores on 26th, I resorted to my pc, and started with my routine there. Chatted with a dear friend, who is undergoing her training stint in Mysore for a software company> She had decided to show her emotions by donating blood. Done with that, she fainted, got 2 stitches on her chin, and numerous wounds. Why did she have to be such a heroine, huh?

Me, in d evening: After spending good 4 hours staring into the face of my facebook and orkut accounts, etc, the hour my mom was to arrive reached, and brought with it some mindblowing news : My offer letter had arrived. I was too daft to react in any way....I opened the letter and was staring at it as if it were written in Latin. It just could not sink into me, totally thick of me!

Only after my beloved people read it for me could I understand that I was supposed to join office on 1st Jan @ Pune. My 6 month long wait was over, n my joy was seamless. My glee was multiplied by 'n' for every person congratulating me for the news, where 'n' this time was any integer i chose. it was my happy time, my happy place. In my ecstasy, I even forgot to acknowledge the receipt of my dear offer letter.

A week went past in a whirl, did loads of shopping, hanging out, enjoyed a lot; true to the last-month-of-freedom-feel thingy that I used to hear before. Got so many gifts from my near ones, who felt truly happy for me. So now I had a stack of most eligible books for reading, a collection of movies to watch, and a month of time in hand! And with the sound of Jingle Bells approaching, I was readying for the last Christmas wherein I would be so carefree. Perfect!!!!

Soon after I divided my time into slots for these tasks priority wise, my manager decided to give an assignment to be completed in the time before I join, and submit the report the day I join. Whoa man! What a killer!!

So now I am here, sitting and studying even more :(

Nonetheless, I am more than waiting for this year to finish, so I can embark onto my journey as a pro on the Day 1 of 2010. Goodbye 2009, you were wonderful!


  1. wonderful post to express one of the happiest thing of your life.

  2. Lily,

    I am glad to know, you started...
    Now, keep writing.
    Your expressions have always been impressive.
    This is just a sample!

    As an opinion... Those, who don't have an opinion about 11/26/2008, are useless people of the nation. For being united, nobody has to face attacks. And, if we, as a nation, don't take any lesson from this attack deep inside our home, then lighting the candles and dropping few tears are not going to help us remain a strong democracy and emerging power!

    Anyways, keep writing. Thoughts initiate the activity. Be the one to note those thoughts...

    - Shekhar
